Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Gunga Din

For years I have been using "Gunga Din" as some odd kind of insult. In context it would be sort of a "knuckle head" or "Ding Bat" type name. But for the life of me I could never figure out were I was getting this. I figured that it was just another of the random things that I picked up by watching movies in college with Rich. I mean really the man remembers more about my life than I do. That is not saying much, I am not likely to recall the details to this post in the morning. Anyway, I now know what it is from, I just don't know how it got in my head. I read in Entertainment Weekly some months ago about the release of the guessed it "Gunga Din." It was some Cary Grant movie from 1939. Now why would I have seen that? Rich I suppose that is a question for you. Then again you might have told me about that already.

Fark Filed It Under Asinine

I am sure that you all have been on Fark and seen this but in case you missed it. Once again our ability to think in this nation is in serious trouble. A Skate Park has been closed because it is not handicapped accessible. On the surface that is a bit off. The Fark posters having fun with the idea of wheelchair skateboarding. The balance of the article however does point out that at issue is that the park is not accessible for other activities, not that they have quadriplegic skaters doing their best "Tony Hawk." But here is where I stop and wonder, and maybe you can help me to see this more clearly. "Until it is open to everyone, it is open to no one" is the position of a board member overseeing the matter locally. What if that rule was applied to the NBA for example. Would we need to have adjustable hoops in order for us slow, short white guys to compete. I am all for making public areas accessible, even in this case. It is just the attitude of the quote that has caught my eye and seems to leave me somewhat uncomfortable. Again maybe I am missing something, and really I hope that I am. I just would not want this to be played out universally as my NBA example suggests.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

That's it, soccer fans are just nuts

I can't even explain this just follow the link.

Mmmmm my favorite... diversity

Ever since I had a series of retitled Diversity Education courses in college, I have questioned if the people throwing around that word really have any clue what they are talking about. Are we talking about looking like a McDonald's commercial where you collect one of each to complete your set of friends, co-workers, leaders, etc. Or are we talking about making sure we all play fair. If we are talking about the latter, fantastic! That was the rigteous purpose of MLK Jr. and the original civil rights movement. If on the other hand we are talking about the former, well my head is already starting to hurt. Take this for example. Here you will find an article on the male bias found in blogging. The complaint is that if the top 100 blogs are dominated by white males, then there must be racism holding back the other sites. The problem is that for many sites you are not really able to know what race you are dealing with. In fact I could put up a site and pretend to be of another race just for the fun of it. This is a counter article. that challenges the wisdom of regulating our way to a diverse blogosphere. To my thinking this is the best arena for diversity, not simply racial, but intellectual diversity. Blogging is about ideas. They may be fun, thoughtful, or silly, but reallyblogs are just about ideas. Who is in the Top 100 is based on who reads. Good ideas will get good attention. I really don't care who you are, just present something I can ponder that challenges me and I will read you for it. Alright that's enough. I'm done.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Papal Vegas

For any of you who just must bet on everything. I mean you bet the coin toss at the Super Bowl and whether Nagel makes it past the first quater. Then this is for you. Find "Special Bets" on the left hand column, then "General" and then you will find the odds on who will be the next Pope. And it looks like Francis Arinze, the Nigerian has a shot at the papacy. What it was 496 AD when they had their last black Pope, about time.