Saturday, November 12, 2005

Odds and Ends Since Last I spoke

It has been far too long since my last post. I have been too deep in study and in work to have taken the time. I will have to do better. Anyway, here are some random items for with no real connection to each other. I just found them interesting.

A mask I wish I would have found sooner for Halloween.

Joey Styles calling RAW matches OH...............

Family Guy opening homage to Police Squad.

Ho Ho HO Beeeeeoootch!!!!

Something that I would have liked to have found during that whole birth control debate.

Jesse Jackson comes to T.O.'s defense. Now he is really screwed.

More to come sooner rather than later, I hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't contain my love either!
T.O.'s a J.A.