Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Feeling Better or Performance Art Breastfeeding

For the past week, our son has been dealing with his first cold. He has had a cough that has continually made his mother and I nearly cry. Tonight, he seems to be doing better. When Andrea arrived home from a day at her mothers with James, he was sound asleep in his car seat. When he awoke, I could tell he was doing much better. His breathing was more at ease and his smiley goofiness was near an all time high.

When it was time for his final feeding and bed James became just plain nutty. Usually the feeding process puts James to sleep. In fact he spends much of the time in a sort of sleeping feeding time. Tonight everything seemed the same, it was just that his eyes remained open. He kept looking at his mom rather than closing his eye and moving toward sleep. While being burped, James woke up and then attached himself to Andrea's chin, seemingly frantic to feed where ever he could attach himself to her.

Returning to the breast for another try at getting him to eat his way to sleep, we discovered that he was more that just determined to remain awake. Through out that last feeding time, his left arm hardly ever stopped moving. It looked as if he thought that he was conducting a symphony. Eventually his did succumb to the call of the night and dropped into sleep. But not before quite a performance was had for all. We are so glad he is feeling better and really enjoyed the laughs that his better health has to offer.

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